Bubble Girl
This joke about being a "bubble girl" has been said by just about everyone around me--my parents, coworkers, boyfriend, friends. While it's an entertaining thought, I can't help but think, would it help?
Let's Talk About Periods. (And Can You Bring Chocolate?)
Periods are tough, even if yours are light. So what can you do to make it easier? Here are a few tips and tricks that have helped me and I hope can help you too.
Natural Deodorants: The Good, The Bad and The Stinky
I've tested a lot of the natural deodorants for you so to ease you into it, here are my rankings — I tried so you don't have to! Go forth and have happy (non-stinky) pits!
5 Things I Actually Mean When I Say "I'm Fine"
I try as much as possible not to say “I’m fine” when what my brain really meant to say was the exact opposite. So here is what I really am trying to say when I use that phrase.
Self Care 101
Whether you have an autoimmune disorder or are just trying to lead a healthier lifestyle, here's what I've found has been helpful in making sure taking care of myself doesn't feel like a full time job.
My Non-Toxic Skincare Routine
My skin rapidly improved after removing toxins from my routine, and taking care of my skin is still super easy and not insanely expensive! Here's my routine!